Why Advertise with CellGeek?
Consistant Traffic: Traffic increases daily
Targeted Traffic: Techies, Early Adopters, those interested in cellular products and services.
Ads: Currently we are offering 125 pixel x 125 pixel in our side bar on a per month basis. The per month cost is $50.
If you choose to purchase this ad by the year you pay only $500 you save $100! Your advertisement will also recieve mention in email updates. These updates occur Monday - Friday everyday, and some Saturdays and Sunday (randomly).
If you are interested in purchasing advertisement you may do so by emailing me at kallandahn@gmail.com.
I need the description of your business, time frame you are considering the ad for, and a sample 125x125 graphic (we can negotiate in-house-production)
CellGeek does not accept adult oriented advertisements. Please keep your ads clean, and family friendly.